Gift Marketplace

It is a marketplace where Winner Gift NFTs can be traded, and even general users, including project owners, Gift suppliers, and Gift winners, can participate. It can be traded in a third party NFT market, but it plays a very important role in building a fair draw ecosystem that includes project owners, gift winners, general purchasers, as well as gift suppliers and gift service providers.

Encourage active participation

By providing the Winner Gift NFT among the participants, it is easy to exchange with each other's necessary goods within the fair draw ecosystem, thereby increasing the convenience of the participants and encouraging them to actively participate in various projects (events).

Key Points

The key to the actual Gift Marketplace is the Gift Provider. The Gift Provider is responsible for issuing the Winner Gift NFT linked to a specific product, service, or goods, and for exchanging the goods with the matched ones upon request by the Gift NFT holder.

In other words, it can provide convenience to project owners by playing the role of issuing and exchanging gifts, and at the same time, it can generate profits by selling its goods through the market.

In addition, only a proven gift provider can open a store, minimizing possible damage to Winner Gift NFT's non-exchange of goods.

Verification and exchange

Winner Gift NFT is an ERC721 based NFT that can be traded on a third-party exchange. However, the Gift Marketplace provides a minimum transaction fee and Winner Gift NFT verification function, and even if purchased on a third-party exchange, matched goods can only be exchanged through this market.

Transaction Fee

The Gift Marketplace incurs a transaction fee of 2.5% which is used to promote the ForTube Ecosystem by encouraging alliances and high engagement with Gift suppliers, Gift service providers and Gift agencies.



Winner Gift NFT is the wallet connected by the winner or selected participant as a result of the project draw. The owned Winner Gift NFT can be traded on the Gift Marketplace or a third-party exchange, but the Winner Gift minted by the project owner applying the secondary sales ban option is not tradable and is only exchangeable.


The Gift Marketplace refers to the holder that purchased the Winner Gift NFT on the Gift Marketplace or a third-party exchange. The Gift Marketplace allows the exchange of matched goods through the project owner or the Gift Provider.

Gift Provider

In order to facilitate a project owner's performance of an event, a winner gift NFT can be minted through the Gift Marketplace and supplied to a person or entity that supplies and exchanges goods, etc. In addition, it is obligated to exchange directly minted Winner Gift NFTs with matched goods.

Project Owner

The project owner is obligated to exchange Winner Gift NFT minted to Winner for matched goods. To facilitate this, the Company may purchase a winner gift NFT from a gift provider, proceed with a project, and require the gift provider to exchange the matched goods.

Last updated